ProVia Values: Accountability

Image of a rainbow over some trees, a highway, and a parking lot with the words:

This article is part of a series on ProVia Values, which inspire, motivate and guide our work and interactions with others.

Here at ProVia we hold a monthly all-employee meeting we call “ProVia Values.” Our company has a set of 19 values that are clearly defined, and collectively we work to express those values in our daily work. Each month we choose one value to focus on, and our goal is to reflect on what that value means to us and deepen our understanding of how we embrace this as a company.

Striving for Excellence

Recently we covered the value of “Accountability”, which we define as: “We owe it to one another to do our best and to say when we’re not.” Some leaders find that holding team members accountable is one of the hardest things to do. But, when a leader gets accountability right, it creates the strongest team, because all the members know how important each person is to the success of the team.

There’s a heightened sense of camaraderie that comes from collectively striving for excellence and being open and transparent when the inevitable moments of “less than” occasionally take place. This motivates teams to be their best and strive toward being better every day.

Larry Troyer, Vice President of Finance & Administration, shared some of the pillars of accountability.
Larry Troyer shared some of the pillars of accountability.

Pillars of Accountability

Each of our ProVia Values presentations are led by a ProVia executive who records a video to be shown during the meeting. For accountability, this discussion was led by Larry Troyer, ProVia’s Vice President of Finance & Administration.

Larry covered many of the aspects of accountability that help define it, including the following:

  • The corporate value of accountability calls for excellence, doing our best, and also for transparency and humility, and admitting when we fall short.
  • Open communications are necessary to facilitate accountability.
  • Some of the best ways to be accountable include: being truthful, being honest, and being transparent.
  • One of the keys to accountability is being true to one’s heart; being true to who God created us to be, and using the unique skills he gave us, for the greater good of all.

It is my hope that this series on ProVia Values provides insights about who we are as a company, what we stand for, and how we serve our customers, employees and community.

Be blessed, and be a blessing to others,

— Brian

Last Updated: December 6, 2023

Brian Miller

By Brian Miller

President and CEO

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